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What if the shoes smell? Put these things without cleaning, and remove the odor immediately!
Reading times:262  Update time:2022-12-28

Tip 1: Tea can also be used. Wrap a small bag of dry tea and put it in your shoes. After the next day, the smell of your shoes will disappear. Tieguanyin has a very good deodorization effect. In fact, Pu'er tea has a good deodorization effect.

Tip 2: There is also the multi effect shoe and sock spray produced by our current technology. This multi effect shoe and sock spray made with modern technology can quickly solve the problem of smelly shoes with one spray like this, because it is very simple and convenient to use, and its effect is also very good.

Tip 3: The following is the alcohol in our daily life. We absorb the alcohol with water, put it into our watering can, shake it evenly, spray it on our shoes and insoles, and put it in the shade for 1 hour. The odor will disappear with the alcohol volatilization. If we don't have a watering can, we can dip a paper towel in the alcohol and drop it into our shoes. We can also use white vinegar instead of alcohol, White vinegar is also very good for sterilization. After it volatilizes, it can also remove the odor.

Tip 4: We can go to the store to buy quicklime powder and desiccant, put the bought lime powder into an old sock, and then put it into our smelly shoes. Quicklime can quickly absorb sweat and kill bacteria, which helps us deodorize. The desiccant is a small package of food we eat. It is called desiccant. Then do the same and throw the desiccant into your shoes.

Tip 5: We all have baking soda in our daily life. Next, put baking soda in our old socks, throw it in our shoes, and take it out the next day. It can absorb our sweat and odor.

Tip 6: We can put the peel of pomelo peel or lemon peel into the shoes, which can effectively remove the smell of shoes. The peel of their fruits contains volatile aromatic oil, which is attractive and can remove the smell of shoes.

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