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What is the raincoat fabric usually made of?
Reading times:288  Update time:2022-11-28

There are many textile raw materials for raincoat fabrics, including Chunya spinning raincoat and Oxford cloth raincoat. However, these raincoat fabrics are chemical fiber fabrics, which have a good waterproof effect.

What are the characteristics of raincoat fabric?
1. Oxford cloth raincoat fabric, which is made of nylon or polyester fabric, is characterized by soft handle, easy washing and drying, easy moisture absorption, and breathability. 

2. Nylon raincoat fabric is also one of my common rainproof fabrics. Nylon raincoat fabric has good color and light sense, and good wear resistance, but the only disadvantage is that it is easy to deform and wrinkle. 

3. The characteristic of Chunya spinning raincoat cloth is light, so the disadvantage is that the coating on the surface of the cloth is easy to be damaged, which greatly reduces the rainproof performance of Chunya spinning raincoat cloth.

Rainwater falling on the raincoat surface is a non wetting phenomenon, because the attraction of rubber molecules to water molecules is far less than that between water molecules. Water molecules prefer to gather together and roll down the raincoat surface. At the same time, there are many small holes in the fabric used to make raincoats, but because the rain does not soak the rubber, it is difficult for water molecules to pass through the raincoat fabric from these holes, and these holes can not organize the air molecules, which ensures the permeability of the raincoat.

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